fd signifier

Exposing Hip Hop's Original Industry Plants...kinda

There's only one way to stop cultural appropriation...

Unhappy Fans 😤 | FD Signifier #hasanabi #hasanpiker

fd signifier says professor flowers wants to genocide white people | vaush #shorts

F.D Signifier vs Destiny Showdown

FD Signifier's Take on Pseudointellectuals Like Terrance Howard

Exploring the Problem of White Feminism with @MaggieMaeFish

We lost Kanye when he lost his mom

Drake is always quiet on black issues

We're Still Missing the Mark on Black Trans Issues.

Racism is Racism | Debate 💢

Dissecting the (Autistic) Manosphere | A Neurodiverse Commentary on F.D Signifier

Early thoughts on Kamala Harris

Help Stop Atlanta's 'Cop City'

Hasan's Hate Watcher Problem

Kevin Samuels Died...

F.D Signifier vs Destiny Showdown


Tupac's cultural impact v. Drake's cultural impact #podcast #tupac #drake

Final thoughts on Johnathan Majors

FD Signifier is my top pick for video essayers on YouTube.

Randomness with Khadija Mbowe

The Anti-Black to Anime Fan Pipeline

Asian Masculinity, Feminity, and Racism with @oliSUNvia